The first thing we did for our research project was pick an animal we were interested in. I picked the cheetah. We had to look at books that were about our animal. We wrote on paper what we learned about our animal, but we said it in our own words. That is called taking notes.
We also went on the computer and Googled our animal. I learned more about my cheetah by watching videos of cheetahs running and by reading more.
We put our information into chapters. We had a Table of Contents at the start of our books. Most of us had chapters called Habitat, Appearance, Babies, Food and How They Get Their Food, Predators, and Interesting Facts. Finally, we had to do pictures to show what each chapter was about. Our pictures came from the Internet.
When our books were put together, we presented them to the fourth and third grades. I was a little nervous presenting to so many people, but we all did a good job.