Have you ever been Odiorne Point State Park? The third grade went for a field trip on June 4. We made field guides to help us learn about different sea animals and to find things on their bodies. It was a lot of work. We also learned a little about the properties of water. We went on our field trip for fun and also to experience what we learned.
Making field guides was hard work, but it was also fun. First, we decided which animal we would study and if we’d have a partner or work alone. Then came the hard part: research. We worked on the computer for about two days, and then we did two-column notes on our research. After that, we typed our notes on the computer. Then we got a diagram online.
We then edited our work a lot. Then we printed our field guides. After that, we laminated the pages, cut them out, and bound them into books. They might be sold at Odiorne Point State Park. The field guides were fun, but also hard.
It took us one and a half hours to get to Odiorne Point. The bus driver let us eat our snack on the bus. We were careful not to make any messes.
Mr. Hubbard told us to spot a wagon on a hill, and whoever spotted the wagon first got a lollipop. It rained when we were on the bus. The bus driver gave us a compliment on our behavior.
At the tide pools, we touched and found many crabs and sea urchins. We also saw lots of other creatures. There were lots of people, because Odiorne Point is really popular.
The weather was cloudy, but it did not rain. The waves came in, and it was windy. There were a lot of people in the water trying to catch sea animals.
We were flipping rocks and looking closely for sea creatures. Some of us got in the water up to our waists. The water was very cold. When we looked closely, some of us saw starfish, baby crabs, and barnacles. The tide pools were interesting and exciting.
After we went tide pooling, we went to the Science Center. When we went to the Science Center, we met our pen pals, who we have been writing to all year. It was exciting to meet them in person.
There was a little aquarium in the Science Center. There was a poisonous lion fish in it, and he looked lonely. We also saw a cat shark, sea bass, stingray, mussels, turtle, blue lobster, sea horse, flounder, and horseshoe crab.
In the touch tank, we got to touch starfish. They felt slimy on bottom and rough on top. At the Science Center, it was fun because we got to see the animals we researched this spring.
It was fun to go on a trip to the sea. We learned a lot about the sea before we got there. On the rocky coast, the water was cold. When we went to catch an animal, it felt like our legs were in ice cream.
Making our field guides was a lot of work. We got to meet our pen pals and go to the Sea Coast Science Center. The whole field trip was a lot of work, exciting, and fun.