This is the last notice before the Andover High School all-class reunion on Saturday, July 12. Our get-together will take place at them Ordway Recreational Area, Walker Brook Road, in South Danbury at 10 AM. Look for the blue and white balloons on Route 4 at the end of Walker Brook Road.
In the morning, we will visit a bit, have a brief meeting, and take a class and group picture. Bring your chair, memorabilia, and something for the pot luck. Coffee and lemonade will be provided. In case of rain, we will meet at the old high school in Andover, now the Andover Elementary/Middle School.
I’ve thought of the many changes we have experienced since our days at AHS. Space exploration, computers, cell phones, huge advancement in science and medicine, and many social changes. One of the biggest changes has been the woman’s place in society.
An interesting poem written for our school newspaper by Florence Downes ’51 was called Life’s Occupation.
School is through, give three cheers,
You head for college, for four more years.
College is through, Hip, Hip, Hooray!
We are going to look for a job today.
Work is found, and the years go by,
And out of the house comes a baby’s cry.
What is this work you’ve chosen for life?
The occupations of mother and doting wife.
Most woman today do not make motherhood and being a wife their sole occupation. They fully expect husbands to take an active part in child-raising as both husband and wife pursue their careers. Household chores are shared as well.
Is it a change for the better? Let’s discuss it at the reunion.