Board of Selectmen Minutes, June 2, 2014

Selectman Coolidge wished Rita Kaulbach well. Rita was seriously injured in an accident over the weekend.

Road Agent’s Report

John Thompson clearly stated that he does not have any financial interest or partnership in Mark E. Thompson Excavating.

John met with Sue Raymond and Bill Mock regarding the problem with the Town’s equipment turning around in their driveway. The Mock’s have offered the Town a piece of property across the street from their house to be used as a turn-around.

There was much discussion regarding a billing situation that has arisen. The Board reiterated that the Procurement Policy is to be used by all departments. John stated again that he should not have to ask permission (financial) to do routine maintenance work. Selectperson Viandier suggested creating an annual calendar that indicated when and what maintenance is done routinely.

John presented a check that was paid to Jeff Miller last Friday. It appears that there was an overpayment of $60. The Town Administrator stated that upon review, a check will be reissued tomorrow if necessary.

Transfer Station

Reggie Roy reported that he has obtained a quote of $628 from Atlantic Recycling for a chute on the south side of the single stream compactor. The Selectmen authorized the quote.

The amount of cardboard going into the single stream compactor is taking up a lot of room. Reggie questioned whether or not baling the cardboard would be more cost efficient.

Carlson Locksmith is going to provide a quote for bolt cutter resistant chain to go through locks.

The Board approved a “Request for Agenda Items” that was submitted by the Town Administrator. This form will be used by anyone who wishes to be on the agenda for a selectmen’s meeting or for subjects/issues that need the attention of the selectmen.

Andy Guptill presented a petition signed by 30 residents of Andover asking that since he lives on a private road, Selectman Danforth recuse himself from any and all discussion regarding private roads. This request is being made to preclude any problems. Selectman Danforth willingly agreed to recuse.

John Thompson stated that the Board has directed him, as Road Agent, not to work on private roads because there will be no insurance provided by the Town. How would this be any different if agreements were reached with property owners for maintenance?

The discussion of private roads was deferred until the June 16 meeting.