Board of Selectmen Minutes, June 16, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Selectmen Coolidge, Selectwoman Viandier, Selectman Danforth, and Town Administrator Marj Roy.

Selectman Danforth asked if anyone from Dodge Lane was present.

Michelle Dudek, who lives on Channel Road, said they are happy about the barriers at the Rail Trail.

Someone in the audience thought this meeting was about closing off Channel Road. Selectmen Danforth said that records from years ago state that the Selectmen would have a meeting to discuss access to and from Dodge Lane-Channel Road. There is no record of such a meeting being held, and this meeting is to follow the procedures that were supposed to take place in the past.

The Corliss family and the Dudeks said they are happy with the current access to and from Dodge Lane. Town Administrator Roy reported that Rose Schumacher, a resident of Dodge Lane, had called to say that she, too, is happy with things as they are.

Church Lane is a Town road, but again this was adopted without finishing the proper process, so we are going through the procedure to define the lines on the properties. This is to inform the residents that the Town will be establishing the property lines and file all the paperwork. This is the second part of the process. The Town would continue to maintain the road if it remains a Town road.

John Guiheen asked if the Selectmen were talking about Church Lane, which is a Town road. He asked if it is maintained by the Town. The Selectmen stated that it is a Town road.

Mr. Guiheen asked if the road is laid out according to Town specifications. Selectmen Danforth said it is not, and that is one reason for this public meeting. Selectmen Danforth said that the Selectmen would ask ZBA to waive all fees involved and address any concerns and to have the layout documented. The Town’s last step is to file the paperwork.

Mr. Guiheen said he thought there was supposed to be a meeting on Church Lane in 30 days. He said he doesn’t have a problem with the Town taking over the road, but he is concerned about who will maintain the road and whether it will be wide enough so he can get his heavy equipment/truck down the road. He wants to be sure the Town won’t shut him down by restricting the road.

Road Agent John Thompson said it depends on what type of traffic they want on the road. Mr. Guiheen said he can’t get in and out during the winter due to the tight corner from Church Lane onto Potters Road.

Selectman Coolidge said this needs to go to the Planning Board and the  ZBA. Selectmen Danforth said he will send a letter to the Planning Board and the ZBA to look into this matter.

Selectmen Coolidge stated the law says the Town cannot maintain private roads. If the Town maintains a private road, then the Town is required to charge a fee. The property owners then need to come up with how they will pay for the maintenance of the private road.

Marj stated that maintenance of private roads is part of the budget. The Town can’t make money off the service provided. Currently, the Town is maintaining all or parts of private roads, and they shouldn’t be. Marj read the list of 15 private roads in Andover. The changes will all need to go to Town Meeting.

Dick and Connie Powers were present to talk about Johnson Lane. Dick said sometime in the 1970s, Amos Johnson wanted to put gates up, because he was losing goods, and at that time they changed the gates to access the covered bridge. Dick said he and Connie think the Town should take the road back, with the loop to drive around, and the Town would have access to the dry hydrant.

Selectman Danforth said he will send a letter to Town Counsel and get a letter out to the Powers about the decision.

Selectman Coolidge said that the work order for ledge pack in the parking lot at the Town beach is $4,600, which will cover putting up handicap spaces, level out the parking lot, and fill in sinking soft spots. The vote to accept was unanimous.

John Thompson said 40 hours of sweeping has been completed for a cost of $12,200.

John Thompson said cold patch has been used on roads for a cost of $3,480. The vote to accept was unanimous.

John Thompson said he completed shoulders on Mill Road.

John Thompson would like to have Bruce Davis discuss alternative paving options for the Town at the next work session. The Board of Selectmen thought it would be a good idea to see his presentation.

John Thompson is still working on the bridge inspection list.

Reggie Roy reported that the fence is in at the rear of the Transfer Station. The building needs to be re-positioned, and he’s looking for suggestions. The security system is in place, and he has instructed his employees about not duplicating the keys. The keys actually cannot be duplicated.

Selectman Danforth wants to go over the budget versus labor due to the percentage already used within six months. There is a concern that something has hit the accounts that should not have at this time.

Town Administrator Marj Roy said a letter was sent to the Recreation Committee regarding background checks needing to be done for anyone dealing with children. This is due to a new RSA that went into effect as of January 2014. All municipalities must comply.

Employees, committee members, and volunteers all require annual background checks. A form must be filled out, and the charges will be applied to the separate department budgets.

Marj said the Town received a $2,000 grant check from New Hampshire Homeland Security/FEMA as part of a grant from several years ago.

Marj said the cyclical review of property assessments has been finished by the state.

Land use database survey needs to be done by various departments.

Quote from Eastern Analytical is $953.60 for testing of old landfill. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Selectman Coolidge asked about status of the new Web site. Marj said they are looking for information from the departments to provide to Mainstay which they will upload. Once the site is live, then Marj and Elita will make the updates to the Web site.

Selectman Coolidge spoke about Action Plan:

  • Web site launch: get letter out to committees
  • Road and Bridge Committee
  • Ordinance review and assign a numbering system. Marj said Police Department has a  special format they need to follow.
  • Assessing change: need to put out for re-bid to follow the purchasing policy
  • Warrant articles: need to get them done ahead of time.
  • Budget meeting: first one will be in October
  • Bobcat follow-up needs to happen next year
  • Personnel policy review: Marj to present, and Selectwoman Viandier will review wording
  • Town docks: need multiple warrant articles
  • Insulating the upper front of Town Office.
  • Explanation of budget process: How we are going to do it with the Budget Committee. Need an October 1st deadline for the departments’ budget requests to be into the Town Office for consideration

Selectman Danforth would like appropriation to buy a raft for $499 and take it from the Cable TV budget line. Pallets that were going to be used at the beach are going back to the Transfer Station. The beach needs new buoys. We need to find out who the abutters are to Town Beach and communicate with them about the boundary line and rules.

Cemetery trustee: need to appoint Diane Fowler

Planning Board alternate: Doug Phelps appointment postponed due to wrong form.

Bereavement policy: need to change wording

Selectman Danforth would like to speak to Cemetery Committee about using machines for grave digging.

Labor Day falls on Selectmen Meeting – Jim Danforth asked to move it to Tuesday September 2nd.