Newberry Consort of Chicago Performs on August 21

Two Baroque violins and a harpsichord

Press release

In association with Summer Music Associates, the Newberry Consort of Chicago will present an exhilarating and inventive entertainment with two Baroque violins and harpsichord on Thursday, August 21, at the First Baptist Church in New London. David Douglas, violin; Brandi Berry, violin; and Jason May, harpsichord, comprise the ensemble.

From its origins in the 16th century as the most beloved provider of dance music, the 17th century saw the emergence of the violin as the premier instrument of virtuosic entertainers. Violinist-composers like Biagio Marini, Michel Faronell, Marco Uccelini, and Tarquinio Merula are not household names today, but in their era, they succeeded in rocketing virtuoso violinists to international fame and placed the violin on a pedestal of respect that continues to this day.

Coming from a tradition of professional entertaining, 17th-century violinists were also skilled improvisers, much like modern jazz performers; and that rare combination of composed art music and improvised performance, control, and freedom is truly only heard today in the genre of jazz.

But now you can also experience it in the historically-approached repertory of the Newberry Consort’s Crossbows. The beguiling English and Italian melodies from the 17th century provide a delightful starting point for the creativity of the composers and performers.

With over 30 years experience, and praised by the New York Times for his “expressive virtuosity,” Newberry Consort co-director David Douglass is uniquely qualified to bring this amazing repertory to life. His hand-picked colleagues, Brandi Berry and Jason May, join him in his spontaneity and love of the music.

Tickets: $25 adult; $5 student available by mail, phone, Web site, at the door, or by cash or check only at Morgan Hill Bookstore, Tatewell Gallery, or Chamber of Commerce.

Visit us at: 526-8234

Summer Music Associates, PO Box 603, New London 03257