June 11
Present: Chair Mary Anne Broshek; members Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan, Derek Mansell; guest Sandra Graves
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) update from Nan: Land protection specialist Beth McGuinn will leave ASLPT to become executive director of the Five Rivers Conservation Trust in Concord.
ASLPT will poll member communities via a market study prior to a board strategic planning session that will include succession planning.
ASLPT has concluded negotiations on the Roby easement along Route 11 in East Andover, which it will hold title to. The Andover Conservation Commission (ACC) will need to add easement-related information to its files and notebook.
A May 29 “Thursday’s Child” ASLPT fund-raiser at the New London Inn was a success.
Event and Activity Planning
Nan reported that ASLPT will participate in an ACC-sponsored Conservation Easement Workshop in Andover’s Town Hall on Wednesday, August 20, and land steward Andy Deegan will be present at ACC’s July 9 meeting to discuss details and seek input on potential individuals who might have an interest in attending.
Larry reported that details for Kittie Wilson’s “Little Loon Grows Up!” illustrated talk at Bluewater Farm on July 15 are complete. As was done last year, there will be a donation basket with proceeds going to the Loon Preservation Committee.
No progress was reported on an Elbow Pond “Taking Action for Wildlife” walk and talk; on local trail design and development; or on a collaboration with the Andover Elementary/Middle School. Mary Anne will send Derek information on grants for school projects. Derek will check with Proctor to be sure there are no issues with trails crossing Proctor land.
Derek told of the possibility of a pollinator workshop at Proctor in the fall.
Derek agreed to conduct a stewardship monitoring of the Gold Leaf property on Switch and Severance Roads, of the Green Mountain property off Plains Road, and of the Bog Pond property, and to create a chart for the next ACC meeting showing all conserved properties plus Town properties monitored by ACC. Mary Anne will check with Ed Spencer re: doing baseline information.
Japanese Knotweed
The Andover Board of Selectmen is working on the knotweed-eradication problem. Mary Anne will get additional information from Selectman Sophie Viandier and share it with ACC members.
Aeolian Energy
Larry will ask Susan Chase, who attended the meeting between Andover Energy Group and Aeolian Energy, for information about the meeting results and report back to ACC.
New Business
Larry reported on the need for a new sign reflecting changes in Bradley Lake rules and regulations and will discuss sign acquisition with Town Administrator Marj Roy.
Tina shared information about a Conservation Commission Field Training Series to be offered by the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions.