Board of Selectmen Minutes, April 21, 2014

Present: Selectmen Danforth and Viandier; Richard Powers, John Thompson, Becky Dobretz, Red Soucy, Town Administraor (TA) Marj Roy.

Richard Powers proposed that the Town take back Johnson Lane. This will allow the Town access to the Cilleyville-Bog Bridge. Selectman Danforth will notify the Planning Board. The Planning Board will notify abutters, and the Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing as required by state law.

Lenny Caron joined the meeting.

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson reported that street sweeping has begun. A few intersections have been swept, and grading of some dirt road began today.

John proposed an hourly rate of $60 per hour for a one-ton truck. The current rate is $45 per hour. John Thompson that Jon Champagne explained to him that at the time the $45 rate was developed, the Town was paying operators.

Selectman Danforth stated that the Town has budgeted according to work being bid upon, and the Town’s insurance company will not write Workers’ Compensation Insurance for the road crew because there is no full-time supervisor.

The Board voted to adjust the hourly rate for a one-ton truck from $45 to $60.

Selectman Danforth reported that he is working on obtaining an F250 truck for the Road Agent. Thompson questioned the reasoning for this potential acquisition. Selectman Danforth felt that it would be advantageous for the Town to lease this vehicle for a period of one year.

As discussed at the last meeting, annual inspections of the decking, rails, fencing, etc. are required to be performed by the Road Agent and kept on file at the Town Office. Thompson will complete the inspections and will present a written report at the May 5 Selectmen’s meeting.

John asked what he needs to do in order to work and asked for clarification between routine maintenance and project work as well as the necessity for the work proposal system that is currently in place. The work proposals are for any work that is not routine maintenance (work that needs to be done to prevent imminent damage to a street).

Thompson presented a quote from Keith Babb for crushing round rock into 1.75 ledge pack.

Selectman Danforth volunteered to go to Primex, the Town’s Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier, on April 23 to gather information about Workers’ Compensation Insurance regulations and requirements for the Town of Andover.

Lynn Baker joined the meeting.

Transfer Station

Reggie Roy: The new single-stream recycling compactor is in place and was in operation last Wednesday and Saturday. John Elliot of Dumpster Depot will have the roof of the container refinished as the paint is peeling; apparently the metal was not properly prepared for painting.

Reggie reported that he has received two quotes for installation of a barrier from the cement dock near the single-stream compactor.

Reggie presented a revised fee schedule for recycled items. The Board voted to accept the new fee schedule.