Members present: Dan Coolidge, Chair; Charlie McCrave, Alternate; Jim Delaney; and Katherine Stearns.
Also present for duration of appropriate item: Robert and Karen Richardson.
Continued Public Hearing: A Request from Robert and Karen Richardson for a special exception to allow the operation of a single-bay general automotive repair shop with New Hampshire inspection service. The property is located at 29 Currier Road and is in the Rural/Residential District
The application was presented by the applicant. The proposal is for Article IX, Section D1, of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Board found the site to be appropriate for the proposed use. Photos of the property and buildings were presented for review. There are two other repair facilities in the general vicinity. The applicants have spoken with three abutters, and the abutters indicated they had no concerns with the proposal.
There being no public present nor any concerns of the Board, the Board voted unanimously in favor of granting the special exception, with the condition that there will be no storage of junk or unregistered vehicles or tires for more than one week.
Additional Items
The Board agreed to contact the Planning Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance to indicate that the Planning Board does not need to deem sites appropriate for proposed uses, as requiring such is inconsistent with state law.