Once upon a time in a land far, far away … oh, wait. Wrong story.
Here we go: Once upon the 25th of June, the Andover Avant-Garde 4-H Club performed an interactive children’s theater show at the Andover Library’s Preschool Story Hour, and they all lived happily ever after … once the rainbow-caped, candy-thieving Mr. Scaryman was discovered.
When the Avant-Garde needed a community service project, they brainstormed for something new and unique that matched the club’s goals and interests. When the children’s theater idea grabbed the group’s attention, they sought the expertise of theater professionals Sarah Edmunds (AE/MS) and Terry Stoecker (Proctor Academy).
From there, inspiration shot around like sparks from a campfire. Club members worked together to design a program with interactive warm-up activities, improvisational skits, and spontaneous imagination exercises. After hours of planning, collaboration, and practice, performance day came, and the real fun began. Twenty eager and enthusiastic preschoolers were just the ticket.
Besides expanding on the club members’ theatrical interests, the experience built leadership skills, teaching skills, and gave seven independent thinkers the opportunity to work together to create something fun and productive for the community. Even Mr. Scaryman had a good “Once upon a time …”