Blazing Star Grange #71 in Danbury will host its 100th annual Grange and Community Fair on Saturday, September 6.
Starting at 7:30 AM, a delicious pancake breakfast will be served at the Danbury Elementary School, hosted by the local PTO.
A special feature of the Fair this year will be the unveiling of the newly restored stage scenery at 9:30 AM in the Danbury Grange Hall. These 90-year-old treasures have been cleaned, repaired, and re-rigged and are back in place to provide another 90 years of use. Chris Hadsel of Curtains Without Borders, who headed the team of conservators, will show photos and explain the conservation process as she unrolls each stage curtain.
The Grange’s “Living Sustainably in the Community” will present the second of three programs this year – Home Garden to Business – when Suzanne LeBlanc of Autumn Harvest tells how she and her husband turned their home garden into a full-fledged business. This presentation will take place at 10 AM in the firehouse, which will also be the site of the flower and vegetable judging.
“Happy 100th Fair” is the theme of this year’s parade, which begins at 11 AM at Restful Road on Route 104, ending at the Danbury Grange Hall on North Road. Parade entrants will line up at 10 AM, and judging will take place before the parade commences. You do not have to give prior notice to enter a float or be in the parade. Just show up that day with a clever idea for your entry. Bicycles, tractors, old cars, and pedestrians are all welcome.
After the parade, the popular Lyme Town Band will perform in front of the Danbury Grange Hall. Then the ever-popular bed races will be held at 12:30 PM. Teams are formed on the spot. The competition is keen, as contestants push the old metal bed from the firehouse to the Danbury Grange Hall.
Other highlights include the horseshoe competition at Independence Park and Baby Show in the hall at 1 PM, Dutch Auction at 2 PM, and to cap off the day, a ham and bean supper, all you can eat, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
At 7 PM, Cardigan Mountain Tradition will play blue grass music until the live auction begins at 8:30 PM.
Other Fair features include the Attic Treasures in the American Legion Hall that opens at 8 AM, where all kinds of good stuff, old and new, may be found at a very reasonable price.
Activities are ongoing all day, including crafters, exhibits, food, games, and the return of a Petting Zoo.
A Silent Auction will be going on during the entire day, so fairgoers may put bids on items donated by local businesses. Winners will be announced after the live auction. You don’t have to be there to win.
The fair will be held rain or shine. Anyone wishing to exhibit crafts or other wares and displays should call Diane Clay at 493-3650 to reserve a space. For any other inquiries, please call Donna Sprague at 768-5579.