In 2013, the greater Danbury community explored ways to live a more economical and comfortable life in our homes. This year, the Blazing Star Grange is exploring ways to build a stronger community and an independent, healthier local economy. Terri Dautcher of PSU led us through the ways to start your own business at the June presentation.
At 10 am on Blazing Star Grange Fair Day, September 6, Suzanne LeBlanc of Autumn Harvest Farm will tell us how she started her own business of food production and preserving and turned it into a thriving home enterprise. This program will be held at the Danbury Fire Station, across from the Blazing Star Grange Hall. If you need reassurance that “it can be done,” then come and listen to this energetic, creative woman, who will give you new enthusiasm for your dreams.
Don’t forget the Ham and Bean supper in the Blazing Star Grange Hall on Saturday, September 6. Doors open at 4:30 PM, with the dinner running from 5 to 6:30 PM. It’s a great way to end a fun day at the Fair!
The third and last program of this series on building a healthier local economy, presented by Tom Curren, will be on Saturday, November 8, after the Chicken Pie supper.
The Blazing Star Grange Hall is on North Road in Danbury, just at the junction of Routes 104 and 4. For more information, contact Donna at 768-5579.