Fall Field Hockey is approaching!!!
Any girls living in the Merrimack Valley or Andover School Districts in grades three to six who are interested in playing field hockey in the fall can now register at the Penacook Community Center at www.penacookcommunitycenter.org/forms/GirlsField%20Hockey.pdf. Practices and games will be held on Wednesdays from 6 PM to 7:15 PM, and on Sundays from 3 PM to 4:30 PM, beginning on August 27 and ending on October 19.
Practices will be held on the field hockey field behind the Merrimack Valley Middle School. Girls participating will need shin guards, a mouth guard, and a stick (some sticks will be available to use if one is needed). The cost for the season is $35. Call Kim at 796-2773 with any questions.