A Valuable Partner

By Mario Ratzki

My colleague David Karrick, Merrimack District 25 (Warner, Webster, Salisbury, Andover, and Danbury: the so-called floterial district), has been a valuable partner in Concord in the last two years. As a former banker and former Warner selectman, he brings experience with numbers as well as with the way a town is run. He serves on the Ways and Means Committee in charge of revenues.

He is a steady-as-it-goes gentleman, does not get riled, and works well with everyone, including members of the opposing party. He is a deliberate thinker, and despite being a bit shy (I hope he doesn’t mind my saying so), he is resolute in pursuing what is best for our towns. I look forward to working with him next year.

His position on Ways and Means and mine on Public Works and Highways give our towns a lot of clout. I urge everyone to vote for David (District 25 ) and me (District 1) on Tuesday, November 4.

Mario Ratzki
State Representative, Merrimack District 1