The Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse will be holding its last open house of the year on Sunday, October 12, from 1 to 3 PM. Private visits may be scheduled by contacting Donna Baker-Hartwell at 735-5586 or Pat Cutter at 735-5628.
The 17 or so one-room schoolhouses that were once scattered across Andover were not only used for education, but they provided a place for the neighborhood to gather. It has been written that Bible studies, candy-pulls, socials, and other meetings were held within them.
On Sunday, October 12, we are planning to hold a sing-along in the Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse. Visitors of all ages are welcome. Margo Coolidge will lead the sing along, joined by other local musicians. Other musicians are welcome to bring their instruments and join in. Songbooks of traditional music will be provided. Homemade cookies and apple cider will be served.
The 2015 Andover Historical Society calendar, East Andover Remembered, will be on sale for $10. Be sure to purchase your calendar, and consider the calendar for holiday gifts.