The start of the school year also brings the start of Boy Scouts for the 2014-15 year. Any boy who has finished the fifth grade or is 12 or older is welcome to join. Meetings are Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 PM at the Annex (formerly the Hamp House) unless otherwise noted. The first meeting was held on September 15.
Last year we partnered with Troop 4480 out of Kingston, Massachusetts. The partnership allows us to participate in activities, such as camp-outs, in a setting other than what the boys from Andover are used to. Last fall we traveled to Plymouth, Massachusetts for a camp-out, and in May the boys from the other troop traveled to Andover for a backpacking trip.
Through the year the boys participate in camp-outs, including in the winter season. Other activities that the boys had the opportunity to take part in last year were swimming in winter at Colby-Sawyer College; first aid training; orienteering and map reading; canoeing; and scuba diving.
This year the troop will continue with their camping, swimming, first aid and CPR training, and many other activities. We have already been invited to join Troop 4480 for a canoe trip on the North River in Massachusetts for this fall.