Present: Selectmen Coolidge, Danforth, and Viandier; John Thompson, Reggie Roy, Leonard Caron, and Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.
Three Police Cruiser Bids were opened, and George French Sr. won the bid for $350.
Road Agent
Road Agent John Thompson reported the following:
No new work orders to submit. All sweeping completed.
John met on drainage issue on Switch Road with Lou Caron, engineer. Lou said he will need to get the soil science, and he spoke with New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) about the wetlands. Rick Lepene from Granite State Engineering will submit a proposal for a closed drain system.
John received a proposal from Chris Aiken on roadside mowing. John requested a written proposal from Jim Shaw for roadside mowing.
Letters to residents on Hoyt Road notifying them of the planned turn-around at the top of the road are ready to be mailed.
John Thompson said he began excavating, ditching, and grader work on Flaghole Road.
Calcium needs to be put down at the Transfer Station to keep the dust to a minimum.
John Thompson mentioned that the gate at the Transfer Station is at the wrong angle for construction vehicles.
Selectmen Danforth mentioned that the shrubs on Maple Street are causing a blind spot when coming from Tucker Mountain Road. Jim and John discussed a road trip to see who owns the shrubs.
Selectwomen Viandier asked if Belletetes would be able to do the retrofit for the Transfer Station building on their Community Service Day.
Lenny Caron
Lenny Caron came in to discuss the complaint that was filed by the Board of Selectmen with the DES. Lenny said that they didn’t find any hazardous waste on his Depot Street property. Lenny was also wondering why the Selectmen didn’t ask him directly about the matter.
Selectmen Danforth explained that selectmen are required to turn any investigative issues over to the appropriate agencies, in this case the DES. DES doesn’t allow the Selectmen to question or pass judgment on those types of things with property owners. The reason it was brought to the State was due to a complaint, and then the State makes an impartial decision on the results found.
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station rules and regulations have been the same since 1999. Changes needed are:
- Maximum size for hopper not greater than 4′ x 4′ x 3′
- Section 6: add “unless approved by attendant”
- Section 7: add “large metal less than 75 lbs.”
- Toilets fall under Construction and Debris
- Any lumber needs to go in Construction and Debris, not the burn pile, even if it’s not treated.
- Section 4: need to change to “Commercial Haulers need to apply by filling out a form in the Town Office for permission.”
- Section 10: need to get fines in place.
Town Administrator Report
Marj Roy reported the following.
Police detail fees need to be increased, and Selectmen Danforth suggested 20%.
The Town Treasurer has set up bank accounts for Police, Recreation, Ambulance at the bank.
The new Town Web site at will be live on August 6, and we will be maintaining any updates on an as-needed basis.
Cemetery Trustees will be at the next Selectmen meeting.
John Cotton finished the permit forms on the old landfill with five different wells. A very large “Thank You!” to John for many hours of work on this project.
Municipal Accounting brief synopsis: Marj read the description and described Fund Accounting, Government Funds, Proprietary Funds, the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Project Funds, Trustee of Trust Funds, and Debt Service for long-term debts. Marj explained that most businesses use accrual basis to show expenses or revenue, but that is not how government accounting accounts for profit or loss.
Marj discussed the preview of assessing bid documents, and Selectmen Danforth suggested that we have a scoring sheet before we accept bids.
Correspondence and Signatures
Two Intents to Cut on Emery Road and on Ragged Mountain, both signed by Selectmen.
Two Timber Tax bills were signed by all Selectmen.
Manifest signed by all Selectmen.
Marj let the Selectmen know that a form has been established for people to fill out when they want to see any files in regards to properties.