Gail Parenteau recently received runner-up recognition for the 2014 New Hampshire Lottery and New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS) All-Star Educator Award Contest. Gail was nominated by Principal Jane Slayton because she knew Gail was deserving of such an honor.
In an effort to recognize schools’ unsung heroes, the New Hampshire Lottery and NHMS asked school principals across New Hampshire in August to nominate “All-Star Educators” who make a difference in the lives of students, staff, and family members.
There are many staff members at Andover Elementary/Middle School (AE/MS) whom Jane could have nominated for the “All Star” award, but she felt that there was one person above all who holds the school together and positively impacts all teachers, students, parents, and the community.
Gail Parenteau has been the “educator hero” at AE/MS since 1985. Things have changed within education and within AE/MS, but the one constant has been Gail Parenteau and her enduring love, support, guidance, and friendship generously shared with all members of the school community. Gail, as school secretary, connects with all the families. She is the heart of AE/MS.
During the holidays, Gail coordinates community organizations with families in need and often personally helps families in a discreet, respectful manner. Gailʼs a fabulous resource to all who work in the school and to parents and community members.
Gail does not stop thinking about her students just because the school day ends. She cares 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Gail comes to baseball games, concerts, and community events, supporting and cheering for students.
Gail has been caring for Andover students at AE/MS for so long that she now has children and even grandchildren of her original students. Long after students graduate, they continue to come back to AE/MS to visit Gail and to thank her for all she had done for them.
AE/MS is fortunate to have Gail Parenteauʼs big heart and generous, totally All-Star spirit.
Gail received a check for $250 to be donated to a favorite charity. Gail chose to donate the money toward the AE/MS playground.
The winner, Jon Van de Car, a 36-year welding and automotive instructor at Merrimack High School, was honored with a VIP experience at the NASCAR race at NHMS on September 21.