It is Open House season! The Open House for families of fifth through eighth grade students was held on September 11 and was well attended. Families spent an hour in the classrooms, talking with teachers, learning about curriculum expectations, and ending the evening by winning fabulous prizes.
The Open House for families with children in kindergarten through grade four was held on September 25. The elementary Open House is always an exciting night, as students enthusiastically and proudly “tour” their parents throughout the building and share their learning experiences. The elementary Open House ends with milk and cookies.
AE/MS Reads!
Many of our students participated in summer reading programs through the school and met their reading goals. I was also told that there was an increase in the number of families who frequented our town libraries this summer.
The first official meeting of the AE/MS Parent Teacher Organization is Monday, October 20, at 6:30 PM in the school library. The PTO volunteers do so much to help students, staff, and families. A continued focus this year will be the playground and skatepark area. It is time to revitalize things a bit.
September 20 was an exciting Saturday on the school playground. Volunteers, bolstered by funding and support from Belletetes, replaced the three aging roofs on the playground structure. In addition, a new structure was built for ga-ga ball. There was also a lot of raking, sweeping, and painting to do. More work is necessary, but this past Saturday was a huge jumpstart!
Walk to School Day is Wednesday, October 8. AE/MS has been participating in this international event for many years. Students arrive at school, check in with classroom teachers, and then board buses with their class and staff members. Students and staff members are then dropped off at four locations along the Rail Trail to walk back to school. Upon arrival back at school, there will be fresh fruit, water, and music in the gym. Please feel free to meet us on the trail.
Recycling efforts have been re-energized at AE/MS. We are recycling almost everything now!

AE/MS students and staff members have an opportunity to receive flu shots without leaving school. The student flu clinic is Thursday, October 9, and the adults will have the same opportunity the following week. I hope everyone stays healthy this year.
The classroom lights stay on late on Wednesday nights. Many of our staff members are doing coursework through New England College (NEC). Our school is now a site for NEC courses. There are 11 AE/MS educators currently enrolled in graduate level programs through NEC. The learning never stops.
Math Night is Thursday, October 23! It is a great family night at school, with math games and activities for all school-aged children and adults. Plan on joining the fun! Math Night this year is going to be one of the best ever.
On Thursday, November 6, at 9 AM we will once again invite all our Andover veterans to a ceremony to honor them and our country. Veterans will be mailed invitations for the event.
We are very grateful that so many veterans and family members attend every year. It is beneficial for our students to participate and learn from this annual event. Spread the word. This is one of the most important and favorite days for our school community.
The word is out. The Andover Players will present Annie this spring! Performances will be held on March 26 and 27. Rehearsals will begin in October.
Please think of AE/MS if you have an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables from your gardens. We love to accent our school lunches with local fresh produce.