The second meeting of the Andover Service Club (ASC) in their new venue at the Highland Lake Grange Hall took place on October 8. Business reports were made, refreshments were served, and guest speaker Jane King presented an informative program on Energy Medicine.
The Bake Sale at the rail trail Run and Ride for the Special Olympics netted $129, half of which will be donated by ASC to the Special Olympics organization. Thank you to Betsy McDonald, Meme Bowne, Judy Evans, and the members who baked for that occasion.
Coming up: on Tuesday, November 4 – Election Day – the ladies of ASC will be selling homemade baked items during voting in the AE/MS gym. On Wednesday, November 12, ASC meets at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. The agenda includes business reports, light refreshments, and special speaker Marcia Wyman, whose topic will be Tai Chi and Chi Gong.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, November 25 and 26, the ASC Thanksgiving Pie Sale will be selling a variety of nine-inch homemade pies for $9 each at Circle K in Cilleyville from 11 AM to 6 PM. Proceeds from this sale benefit the ASC Scholarship Fund.
Raffle tickets for the “Gifts Galore” basket will be for sale at each of these events, at the ASC Thrift Shop, and from the members. Tickets are $1 each. Drawing of the winning ticket will take place at the ASC Christmas luncheon on December 10. Winner need not be present.
The ladies of ASC wish to thank those who faithfully support our efforts to fulfill the mission of ASC, which is to be of service to the people of our community and the state. Ladies who reside in Andover and the surrounding communities are always welcome to join us. For more information about ASC, you may e-mail President Mary Ofenloch at MaryO.ASClub@nulllive.com.