Prior to the meeting, Christie Coll swore in Mark Heller as an Andover School Board member.
Board Present: Michelle Dudek, Anne Swayze, Mark Heller, and Kent Armstrong (via electronic device).
Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Jane Slayton, Kathleen Boucher, and Judith Turk
Public Present: Tina Cotton, Evelyn Lynn Baker, Marjorie M. Roy, James Danforth, Ed Hiller, Arch Weathers, Mary Ann Levesque, Bill Bardsley, Duncan Coolidge, Michael Drewry, Wendy Drewry
Board Chairperson’s Report: Michelle welcomed Mark Heller to the Andover School Board. She has spoken to many members of the community, and it is a great start to the school year. She thanked everyone involved. She also reminded Board members of the SAU meeting to be held in early December. A Transition Meeting will be held in late September with both Merrimack Valley and Andover School District Board members. Anne has offered to participate if Don is unavailable.
Good News: It has been a great start to the new school year.
Old Business
Bus Bid Specs: Information regarding the specific details of the Student Transportation Bidding Process has been included in the Board Packet for review. It was suggested to consider different bus sizes and types when looking at proposals. Bids will be received though late October.
Anne made the motion to initiate the bidding process for student transportation services to be advertised. Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the motion was approved.
Facilities Study: Michelle asked the members to continue to review the notes presented by the architects relating to the facility study and that priorities and comments should be placed in the shared Google Document e-mail file. Robin will be contacting Tibor to arrange a date for a follow-up work session.
Bus Stop Update: Parents were present and expressed their concerns regarding safety and parking in relation to the current bus stop situation on Flaghole Road. Robin and Michelle received a perspective when riding the bus to the area involved and also have concerns regarding safety.
An appeal will be sent to Judith Fillion at the New Hampshire Department of Education, given the response letter that was recently sent declining a change to the current regulations. Robin will be in touch with the family upon receipt of the state’s second response. Evelyn Lynn Baker stated that this has been an historic issue.
Letter Regarding Video of Meetings: A letter was sent to Tina, requesting that videotapes of Board Meetings be shown in their entirety for the purpose of transparency and full disclosure to the Andover community. Tina will record the full meeting and will wait for feedback.
New Business
Meeting with Andover Budget Committee: Robin distributed the Fund Balance Contributors Summary Sheet for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year. She responded to questions that were asked by the Budget Committee. They are pleased with the surplus. Arch appealed to the Andover School Board to continue in their efforts to compromise when making decisions that will affect all Andover community members.
Other: Kent Armstrong regretfully submitted his resignation as an Andover School District Board Member effective immediately. He thanked his colleagues at the table and administrators for his experience.
Anne motioned to accept the resignation of Kent Armstrong as an Andover School District Board Member. Mark H made the second. All were in favor, and the resignation was accepted.
Superintendent’s Report: Mark M commented on the great openings of schools at both Merrimack Valley and Andover. He was able to visit the staff at Andover and listen to discussions relating to assessments and Response to Instruction planning. He also attended the whole-school assembly during the first week celebration. He looks forward to continuing to foster a strong connection between the Merrimack Valley and Andover School Districts.
Assistant Superintendent’s Report: Chris stated that policy updates will occur in the upcoming months.