AE/MS Students Enjoy “Popcorn Fridays”

The AE/MS PTO's Popcorn Friday is a big production. Volunteers come to school on Friday mornings and pop, pack, and deliver popcorn to students. Older students often help, too. Students and staff members love Popcorn Fridays! Pictured: Keygan Sweeney, Camden Donovan, Savannah Drewry, Alexis Cate, and Suzanne Raymond. Photo and caption: Jane Slayton
The AE/MS PTO’s Popcorn Friday is a big production. Volunteers come to school on Friday mornings and pop, pack, and deliver popcorn to students. Older students often help, too. Students and staff members love Popcorn Fridays! Pictured: Keygan Sweeney, Camden Donovan, Savannah Drewry, Alexis Cate, and Suzanne Raymond. Photo and caption: Jane Slayton