The students in the middle school at AE/MS, grades six through eight, participated in the annual day of remembrance. In the social studies classes, the students discussed the importance of remembering September 11, 2001 and December 7, 1941.
The students developed an understanding of the events of September 11 and compared them to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The students engaged in a class discussion followed by the students creating an electronic slideshow.
The topic this year was “Why should these two dates never be forgotten?” The students formed great connections and presented a lot of great information.
Once again we had the great support of Bill Leber, who donated four caps to the creators of selected stand-out presentations. This year it was extremely challenging to choose just four.
The following students won the honor of becoming owners of the remembrance caps:
- Kyleigh Fanny, sixth grade
- Garrett Munson, seventh grade
- Samantha Parkman, eighth grade
- Matt Bent, eighth grade