Treasurer’s Report. The lower balance reflects our recent, successful trail building. The report was accepted.
Correspondence. Charles discussed a letter he sent to the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Council offering our support.
Old Business
Maintenance: Peter received new use signs from Shawn Violette to replace old ones. Peter was happy to talk with Leon Nelson of the Andover Snowmobile Club (ASC) and Steve Robinson at the Finish Line Celebration about trail work (branch clearing) in Danbury. The Andover Bridge Street railroad bridge hole was patched. Peter will send an e-mail to Trails Bureau (Shawn V. and Chris Gamache) about safety concerns from lack of rails on the railroad bridges.
Bob will plan a meeting with the local snowmobile clubs and the Trails Bureau about a long-term plan for funding and labor to re-deck the bridges. Discussion followed about who is responsible for funding maintenance and liability insurance of the Rail Trail: the State of New Hampshire, or volunteer groups like FNRT or ASC?
Sponsorship page on Web site. Lindy is looking for a Sponsorship Page Coordinator to manage that page on our Web site.
Annual budget for ongoing operations: Peter and Steve D. will coordinate after meeting with Trails Bureau for a January discussion.
Soliciting volunteers for three projects. Lindy has put that out on Facebook and will report back.
New Business
Upcoming meetings and events: ASC Spaghetti Supper on January 31.
Map with hotels and restaurants: Steve R. will move forward on a map, including restaurants, for the kiosk.
Rotating meeting locations: Alex suggested that we cycle through other towns on a regular basis to foster more involvement. The current plan is Franklin (in January; Steve will coordinate), Boscawen (February), and Andover (March).
Proposed bridge removals in Danbury, Andover, and Enfield: Alex gave updates on the bridge status.
Request for kiosks at two Welcome Centers: The Danbury Country Store and the Highland Lake Inn in East Andover. Myra will talk with Pecco about his ideas for a kiosk.
Self-congratulatory potluck supper: Wednesday, November 19, at 6 PM at the Highland Lake Inn.
Alex proposed we establish Trail Masters for the towns of Danbury (Steve Robinson), Andover and Wilmot (Ricker Miller), and Franklin (Steve Rayno). The motion passed.
Craig suggested we make a $200 donation to The Andover Beacon. The motion passed.
Steve confirmed that we have paid $615 for liability insurance.