Over 5,000 hearts were full on October 19 as the Greater Concord community joined together at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Whether they were honoring the memory of a loved one, supporting a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer, celebrating survivorship, or taking action to raise funds for the American Cancer Society, the crowd appeared engaged and inspired. Families and friends gathered around team signs, laughed, and supported each other.
The meaningful survivor procession was a sight to behold, as hundreds of women walked arm-in-arm together through the cheering masses with You’ve Got A Friend playing over the speakers.
More than walking together, Making Strides brings out emotion at many levels and truly is a positive reflection of the community and of the positive impact that can be made in the world. This powerful event raised over $559,446 for critical breast cancer research and programs and services of the American Cancer Society. Join in Making Strides next year on October 18, 2015.