On the morning of November 12, the Andover Service Club (ASC) met for their monthly meeting at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. After opening words, committee reports, and organizing the final details for the annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale, sign-up sheets were distributed for the annual Christmas luncheon at 74 Main, in New London, on December 10.
The special guest was Marcia Wyman, a teacher of Tai Chi/Chi Gong. She led the members in the stress reducing Oriental method of exercise and slow movement to heal body and mind. Everyone enjoyed learning this very relaxing technique and some intend to pursue this further.
A delicious lunch of soups, fresh fruits, cheese and crackers, cookies, coffee, and cider was served. All food was provided by the Hostess Committee ladies.
On Wednesday, December 10, the ASC will meet at 11:30 AM in New London, at 74 Main (formerly the Millstone), for the annual Christmas luncheon. There will be a short business meeting, a delicious meal, singing Christmas carols, and the winning ticket of the “Gifts Galore” basket raffle will be drawn.
All ladies – young, old, or in-between – are welcome to become members of ASC. We work hard, serve our community, make new friends, and have fun while doing this. For more information, e-mail President Mary Ofenloch at MaryO.ASClub@nulllive.com
The ladies of ASC wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.