Hot off the presses and just in time for holiday giving! On Friday, December 5—a mere three days after its release!–Donald Hall will be reading from his new book,Essays After Eighty, at the South Danbury Church. “Now, in the ‘unknown, unanticipated galaxy’ of very old age,” describes one reviewer, “he is writing searching essays that startle, move, and delight.” “This work offers revealing insights into the human condition—and the grit and openness it requires,” according to Publishers Weekly. “Laconic, witty, and lyrical, Hall is a master stylist,” which all of us who have been reading his books and enjoying his readings over the years know so well.
The event begins at 6:30 PM, with light refreshments served afterwards, and is free to the public—although donations will, of course, be accepted. The South Danbury Christian Church (an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ) is located at 1411 U.S. Route 4 ,n South Danbury. For more information, call 768-3191.