The relationship between Proctor Academy and Andover Elementary/Middle School is one that consistently benefits both schools. Through both formal and informal interactions, students and teachers from both schools enhance the educational experience of the other.
Whether those interactions come during AE/MS Math Night, where Proctor’s Math Department hosts a table of puzzles and problems, or through AE/MS’ annual SHARE Day, classroom visits to teach world languages, or week-long engagement of Proctor students during Proctor’s Project Period each March, the two schools thoroughly enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship.
As an acknowledgement of the tremendous work being done at Andover Elementary/Middle School by teachers and administration, Proctor presented AE/MS Principal Jane Slayton with a check for $10,000 to use at the school’s discretion. The gift is a reflection of both Proctor’s appreciation of the fine work of AE/MS, and its relationship with Andover and the town community.
Principal Slayton expresses gratitude for the gift: “This is the second extremely generous donation Proctor Academy has given to Andover Elementary/Middle School in recent years. Like the first donation, it will be directed toward technology.
“The first donation was used to replace all the desktop computers in the computer lab. While this donation will also be earmarked for technology, the focus will be on classroom technology,” Slayton adds. “Technology has become foundational to education. AE/MS teachers use technology to make their best practices even better. It enhances teaching concepts and connects our students to the world. All classrooms, kindergarten through eighth grade, utilize technology to strengthen and extend their curriculum. This generous gift will be put to good use, and we appreciate the generosity of our neighboring school.”