Board of Selectmen Minutes, November 3, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Chairman Coolidge, Selectwoman Viandier, Selectmen Danforth, John Thompson, John Kinney, Town Administrator Roy, Susan Chase

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson said he is getting ready for winter. He needs to coordinate with the Fire Department to do the bridge cleaning.

Today he screened 900 yards of sand. Pipe is being stored at the Transfer Station for the drainage project on Maple Street.

Selectmen Danforth asked if John received a quote from any companies for sand. John Thompson said we could get a quote from RD Edmunds, and that could be used to show a good price comparison. This should give an accurate number to show the Town savings on doing the sand screening in-house.

John Thompson presented his budget. He said he looked back over the past three years to see if the Town stayed within the presented budget, and that didn’t happen. He took that information into consideration while figuring out the numbers for the next year’s budget.

He provided his budget with two options to be considered. John and the Board of Selectmen will be reviewing the options before presenting to the Budget Committee.


John Kinney presented his budget with only one increase from last year. The Communication line is increased by $350 in order to purchase a new application to be downloaded onto personnel’s smart phones. The application is called “I Am Responding.” This will link everyone together and tell each other who is responding to a call at any time. EMS total budget request is $30,005 for next year.


Susan Chase presented her budget with one increase of $2,100 to the wage line to accommodate a 2.5 hour increase per week on Thursday afternoon. This will provide time for children to access the Bachelder Library after school; they will be able to ride the bus there and then can be picked up by their parents. Library total budget request is $40,900 for next year.

Town Administrator

Marj Roy said we received the 2014 County tax bill of $714,545, which is $38,262 less than 2013. This must be paid by December 17.

Other Business

Commerford, Nieder, Perkins LLC: Cindy Perkins and Phil Bodwell came in so the Selectmen could ask questions about their assessing bid. They spoke about their company’s policies and procedures.

Selectwoman Viandier mentioned that the Solarize Kearsarge meeting information is listed on the Beacon’s Web site at