Andover Eighth Graders To Visit MVHS

Class of '17 plans a smooth transition to high school.

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS Principal

On Wednesday, December 12, AE/MS eighth graders will be going on a field trip to visit Merrimack Valley High School. Rebecca Kennedy, the new 9th grade MVHS School Counselor, along with other counselors and a few teachers, will greet students in the auditorium. They will explain course requirements and school policies. They will also describe electives and what sports are offered at MVHS as well as extracurricular clubs and organizations. Plenty of time will be available for questions to be asked.

After this presentation, MVHS student council members will be tour guides and show Andover eighth graders the 9th grade wing, library, cafeteria, work-out room, Wellness Center, guidance and nurse’s offices, as well as go into available classrooms.

Following the tour, students will return to the auditorium, where a panel of current MVHS students from Andover will answer questions provided by our eighth graders. This will provide our students with the chance to ask about transitioning from a small to a large school, what they found most difficult about the transition, meeting new people from different towns, the absence and tardy policies, and the many benefits of going to MVHS.

After our time at MVHS, Andover students will continue the long-held tradition with Mr. Tucker of stopping for Dunkin’ Donuts before returning to AE/MS.