Fifty Years Ago in Andover: January 1965

Wishing Brian Johnson a speedy recovery

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.

January 7, 1965

Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Sirdifield of Marblehead, Massachusetts, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Cunard, to John F. Graves, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graves of East Andover.

Born on December 31, New Years Eve, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene French of Andover, a girl.

Private Peter Shampney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shampney; and Private Lawrence Prentice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beulah Prentice, spent fifteen-day furloughs at home for Christmas and New Years. The boys are stationed at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Stephen and David Jewett returned to their base in Fort Dix, New Jersey on Sunday after spending the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jewett. David is at Chef School, and Stephen is in Advance Infantry Training.

1965 Plymouth Valiant 100, 2-door sedan, $2,004. The full price is low. The down payment is low. The monthly payment is low. The day-to-day costs, like gas and oil, are low. Valiant really is the compact that hasn’t forgotten why you buy a compact. Valiant is the lowest priced car in America.

January 14, 1965

Miss Barbara Jewett graduated from the Wilfred Academy in Boston, Massachusetts.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor on the birth of a son at the Franklin Hospital last week.

January 21, 1965

A cancer workday and business meeting of the Community Service Club was held at the home of Mrs. Emma Dunlop on January 13 with 15 members and two visitors in attendance. Over 403 cancer dressings were made for the County Home in Boscawen.

Wedding anniversary congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs.Lee Swett on January 22.

We are sorry to hear that Brian Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Johnson, had the misfortune of breaking the same leg he broke a year ago while skating last week. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

Much sympathy goes to Glen Currier and family on the death of Glen’s father, Eugene Currier, on Sunday, after at short illness. He was 94 years old and held the Boston Post Cane.

Much sympathy goes to Mrs. Wilfred Dalphond and the Dalphond brothers on the death of “Del” Wilfred Dalphond after a short illness. Del was the President of Dalphond Brothers Lumber Mill in town. He will be missed by all.

January 28, 1965

The firemen and trucks were kept busy this week. They were called to Andover on Thursday morning to help on the Andover Meadow Motel fire and were called to the Leon Bedard home on Sunday morning for a flooded pot burner.

The town was shocked to hear of the passing of Mrs. Marion Humphrey, a former resident of town, on Friday at the Concord Hospital.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin on the birth of a daughter at the New London Hospital on January 20. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Locke of East Andover and Mr. and Mrs. George Martin of Andover.

Second Lieutenant Richard B. Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Vail of Andover, has entered the US Air Force navigator training at James Connally Air Force Base, Texas. Lt. Waters will receive radar and celestial navigation training leading to the award of silver navigator wings upon graduation. The year-long course is conducted by the Air Training Command, which trains officers and airmen in the diverse skills required by the nation’s aerospace force. A graduate of Andover High School, the lieutenant earned his BS at the University of New Hampshire. He received his commission through the Air National Guard in 1964.

Mrs. Rising, a first grade teacher, and Adele Glaubit, fourth grade teacher, have been appointed by Andover Elementary School Principal Burton to act on educational television, collaborating with the elementary curriculum committee for WENH Television of UNH.