ASLPT Announces New Easement in Springfield

The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust announces the addition, on December 3, of its newest property, the Cummer/Lyle Conservation Easement. Cheryl Cummer and Jack Lyle's Springfield property is a mix of field and forest located on both sides of Nichols Hill Road. Their fields support nesting Bobolinks whose breeding habitats are open grassy fields, especially hay fields.  The property has high ranking forest soils and is actively managed each year for hay with the intention of continuing to preserve the fields  for the Bobolinks.  There are very nice views of Croydon from the heights of land. The property will be open to the public for low impact recreation.
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust announces the addition, on December 3, of its newest property, the Cummer/Lyle Conservation Easement. Cheryl Cummer and Jack Lyle’s, Springfield property, is a mix of field and forest located on both sides of Nichols Hill Road. Their fields support nesting Bobolinks whose breeding habitats are open grassy fields, especially hay fields. The property has high ranking forest soils and is actively managed each year for hay with the intention of continuing to preserve the fields for the Bobolinks. There are very nice views of Croydon from the heights of land. The property will be open to the public for low impact recreation.