Britta Johnson Wins AE/MS Geography Bee

Preparing for state-level test

By Jim Tucker, AE/MS
Eight students competed in the final AE/MS round of the National Geographic Bee: Ethan Davis, grade 7; Alexis Cate, grade 8; Britta Johnson, grade 8; Hannah Asbury, grade 7; Colin Coolidge, grade 6; Kyleigh Fanny, grade 6; Julianna Baptiste, grade 5; and Sierra Provost, grade 5.
Eight students competed in the final AE/MS round of the National Geographic Bee: Ethan Davis, grade 7; Alexis Cate, grade 8; Britta Johnson, grade 8; Hannah Asbury, grade 7; Colin Coolidge, grade 6; Kyleigh Fanny, grade 6; Julianna Baptiste, grade 5; and Sierra Provost, grade 5.

Eight geography experts of Andover Elementary/Middle school competed for the title of AE/MS Geography Bee Champion.

The competition began with every student in grades five through eight competing for a spot in the second round of the Geography Bee. With questions ranging from world geography to United States geography, the challenge for the students was at a very high level. Some clues for questions were based on sports teams or just the seven continents of the world. In the end, it came down to a student’s base knowledge of Geography from around the world.

Mr. Tucker awarded Britta Johnson the first place prize for the final AE/MS round of the National Geographic Bee.
Mr. Tucker awarded Britta Johnson the first place prize for the final AE/MS round of the National Geographic Bee.

The eight experts gave their all: From the fifth grade, Julianna Baptiste and Sierra Provost; from the sixth grade, Colin Coolidge and Kyleigh Fanny; from the seventh grade, Hannah Asbury, and Ethan Davis; and from the eighth grade, Alexis Cate and Britta Johnson. These were the finalists who faced each other head-to-head, with a supportive audience of their fellow classmates, in the same open format as the preliminary rounds.

The students put forth a fabulous effort, and the competition was full of entertainment. In the end, Britta Johnson took the title of Andover’s 2014-2015 Geography Bee Champ. Way to go, Britta!

The next step for Britta is to submit a written test and hope she makes the grade to be selected to compete at the state level. The staff, students, and the Andover community want to wish Britta good luck.