An enthusiastic standing-room-only audience greeted two professional musical acts, the work of a local photographer, and a dozen open-microphone performances last month on Friday evening, January 16, as the newly organized Andover Community Coffeehouse hosted the first in a scheduled series of programs featuring local talent of all kinds: singers, musicians, poets, writers, artists, and crafters.
The program, held in the Highland Lake Grange Hall, also offered food prepared and sold by members of the Andover Congregational Church, which provided space for the program.
Asked to comment on the opening-night success, Coffeehouse committee chair (and open mic performer) Paul Currier summarized succinctly: “Beyond every expectation.”
Look for a video recording of the program on Comcast Channel 8 or TDS Channel 16.

Going forward, the Coffeehouse committee plans to continue offering additional evening programs featuring both professional and amateur talent on the third Friday of each month, beginning on Friday, February 20. Kathy Lowe, veteran singer, songwriter, performance/recording artist, and photographer, will headline the next Andover Community Coffeehouse program beginning at 7 PM on Friday, February 20, at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover.
Kathy, a New Hampshire native, lives in New London. She wrote her first song at age 11 and won her first jingle-writing contest at age 16. Since then she’s performed literally around the world and now focuses on audience participation, sound healing, and therapeutic music, while bringing her program to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, veterans centers, and coffeehouses.
In addition to Kathy’s performance, an open-microphone program segment will offer other local performers an opportunity to display their talents. Performers wishing to appear during the segment should sign in at the Grange Hall between 6:30 and 7 PM.
Soup, sandwiches and (non-alcoholic) beverages will also be available for purchase beginning at 6 PM, thanks to members of the Andover Congregational Church.
The programs are open to the public at no charge, although voluntary contributions are accepted.
The Coffeehouse project is just one of several initiatives ongoing or being planned by the newly formed Andover Community Association.