The March 7 Danbury Winter Market marks the halfway point of the Blazing Star Grange’s six-market winter season. If winter is half over, then Spring is surely coming — dare we hope?
The Newfound Farm Clothing Company is counting on it, as they are busy sewing and designing petticoats which promise to be all the rage this spring. Phyllis, owner of Newfound Farm Clothing Company, has designed a line of more traditional petticoats and overskirt pairs, some with coordinating blouses, all of which can be worn separately. Be ready for spring with one of these charming outfits. As with all of the company’s creations, each one is crafted of recycled materials and clothing.
The Winter Market is held in the Danbury Grange Hall at 15 North Road in Danbury from 9 AM to 1 PM on the first Saturday of every month. A wide variety of farm, food, and craft items, all locally grown and produced, are available.
A hot breakfast and lunch is served downstairs in the Blazing Star Bistro. For information, contact Donna at 768-5579 or DonnaArdena@nullgmail.com.