Board of Selectmen Minutes, January 19, 2015

Condensed from approved minutes

Committee members present: Selectmen Coolidge and Danforth, Selectwoman Sophie Viandier, TA Roy, and member of the public Jim Delaney.

Community Sign

There was discussion about the community sign located in front of the Town Office. Coolidge has talked with Lions Club president Bill Kennedy and they feel that requests for use of the sign should be taken at the Town Office.

Originally, the sign was purchased by the Lions Club and given to the Town as a gift. Historically, a member of the Lions Club has taken requests and put up the signs. The Town has provided some very minor funding for repair of one of the letter rails. The newly-forming Andover Community Association recently inquired of TA Roy as to the rules for use of the sign: No commercial, political, or religious uses, and organizations using the sign must be non-profit.

Road Agent

Road Agent Thompson joined the meeting and gave a short report that he summed up as, “Even with the storm, things are going well.” He asked TA Roy to send a letter to a resident on Blockhouse Lane telling him to remove a dumpster that is in the Town’s right-of-way and is hampering plowing of that road. He also stated that Plains Road will be re-posted now that the Route 4 bridge has reopened and the New Hampshire DOT has no need for the Plains Road detour. He asked whether or not an official letter is required in order to re-post. TA Roy will investigate.

Thompson reported that the pole barn was used for salt storage during yesterday’s ice storm.

TA Roy reported a phone conversation with the homeowner at 109 Maple Street concerning run-off from the street through their yard that is causing a lot of damage. The homeowner was present and expressed his concern about the damage being caused. He lives in Massachusetts and will meet with Thompson as soon as he is in Andover again.

Other Business

The Selectmen asked Roy to call the insurance company and find out whether coverage is affected by lease of a vehicle rather than purchase.

Roy presented a notice regarding a public hearing in Danbury for expansion of Ragged Mountain Pacific LLC.

The Board discussed whether or not collection of commercial construction and demolition debris is appropriate for Andover.

Viandier presented impressive drawings for the Transfer Station.