I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve been praying for spring! It certainly has been a challenging few weeks weather-wise.
The Andover Community Coffeehouse appears to be quite an attraction. Local talent gets the opportunity to perform before the group of people attending. It certainly has proven to be highly entertaining.
This new venture is free for all, with donations gratefully accepted. It is held at the Highland Lake Grange Hall on the third Friday of each month from 7 to 9 PM. Come early for refreshments (soups, sandwiches, and baked goods) which will be on sale beginning around 6 PM.
The ever-popular Alpha course will be starting up on Tuesday, March 17.
Singing at Nursing Homes
We have a faithful group that goes singing at the Peabody Home and Mountain Ridge nursing homes on the first Sunday of each month. More voices are welcome. Call Sandy Miller at 934-3198 for further information.
Pastor John Wagner recently returned from a 10-day trip to the Holy Land with several other clergy and church leaders. We look forward to seeing the slide pictures he took. It’s good to have him back safe and sound.
Again, we invite one and all to attend our church on any Sunday. Communion Sunday is held on the first Sunday of each month. Sunday School is held the same time as church, which begins at 9:30 AM. Feel free to call the church office at any time.