Andover Community Association Hits the Ground Running

Variety of offerings planned

Press release

Entering their second month of volunteer work, a group of local residents calling themselves the Andover Community Association (ACA) are taking the Andover community by storm. Members of ACA’s newly-formed steering committee include Carl Ahern, Susan and Larry Chase, Duncan Coolidge, Paul Currier, Jay Fitzpatrick, Vicky Mishcon, Janet Moore, Nancy Teach, Sophie Viandier, and Jennifer White.

For starters, they’ve decided to focus on four main areas:

Communications and connecting people’s needs with local services, including:

  • Make better use of the town sign in front of the Town Hall
  • Sponsor a local help line to connect people needing help with people willing to help
  • Update and expand the Our Town booklet originally published by the Andover Service Club
  • Publish a community event calendar, both online and in print

A time bank, a non-monetary system for people with specific skills or willingness to work to trade their time with others in an organized pool of people with skills and available time.

Andover Institute to coordinate and host short courses, presentations, discussion groups, and the like. Topics would depend on the interests of the people involved. For starters, the Institute is hosting a regular Saturday Tai Chi class for drop-ins, and a six-week permaculture discussion group.

Andover Community Coffeehouse, which had an overwhelmingly successful kickoff event in January. Programs at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover will continue on the third Friday of each month, under the ACA umbrella. Programs begin at 7 PM and include a featured performance as well as an hour of open-mic performances. The coming schedule:

  • March 20: Click Horning Band
  • April 17: Tom Pirozzoli
  • May 15: Sferes and White

Performers wishing to appear during the open-mic segment should sign in at the Grange Hall between 6:30 and 7 PM. The event is open to the public at no charge, although donations will be accepted. Soup, sandwiches, and (non-alcoholic) beverages will be available for purchase beginning at 6 PM, thanks to members of the Andover Congregational Church.

Get Involved!

Want to get involved? Have some good ideas to share that would fit in with the Andover Community Association? ACA is just getting started, and anybody with interest, time, and energy is welcome.

The next meeting is on Friday, March 6, at 6:30 PM (potluck followed by meeting) at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. Contact Larry Chase at 735-5135 or for more information.