Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, February 18, 2015

Condensed from draft minutes

The meeting was held in the Boscawen Town Hall, in the basement of the Congregational Church, where Routes 3 and 4 split in Boscawen.

FNRT Board Members Present: Steve Darling, Joyce Morton, Ellsworth Morton, Steve Rayno, Peter Southworth, Bob Ward, and guest Jack Shields (Penacook).

Old Business

Action items: Bob had plans to meet with the Boscawen Board of Selectmen in regard to signage, but the meeting was cancelled.

Technology report: Bob asked about posting our monthly meeting agenda on the FNRT Web site, but Steve noted that could present problems for Heather, as she isn’t managing our site on such a regular basis. We discussed putting it on Facebook as well.

Kiosks at two Welcome Centers: We looked at Ellsworth’s proposed one-sided kiosk. He offered to build the kiosk and donate his expertise and labor with FNRT buying the material (approximately $180 for each).

We discussed how many kiosks we want to put up and the purpose of the kiosk – a welcome beacon, a large map, and information on FNRT.

Finding a volunteer to stock the membership cards and maintain the kiosk is a concern. We identified East Andover (by the EAFD barbecue pit) and Jamie Welch Park as the next two locations for installation.

A motion to allocate $400 for the two kiosks was passed.

New Business

Jack Shields (an interested party, member of Rails to Trails) noted that because the Trail can’t go any further south, he has done research on the crossing over the Pan Am Railroad tracks by the Hannah Dustin rest area. The Boscawen Historical Society researched the issue, and Jack showed a letter from the Boscawen Board of Selectmen recognizing that Boscawen still has access to the crossing.

Jack met again with them about signage and reported the Boscawen Board Of Selectmen are in support of any signs we feel are appropriate. Jack asked the Boscawen board about creating a parking area off the side of the road, right where the trail ends. The landowner there has been blocked by parked cars and would support this.

Boyd Smith (Newfound Lake Environmental Coordinator) is working on signage to direct people parking at Hannah Dustin to the start of the trail and signs for the crossing and parking, and he’ll meet with the Boscawen Road Agent about what signs to post. Funding hasn’t been located.

In regard to sign design, materials, etc., FNRT and Boyd need to coordinate. Jack will attend our March meeting (perhaps with Boyd Smith) to continue our signage discussion and planning.

There was discussion about future signs and asking towns and the state to waive fees for signs and to support the Rail Trail.

Upcoming meetings and events.

  • FNRT March meeting: March 18 at the Andover Town Hall.
  • April 23: Thursday’s Child fundraising dinner at New London Inn.