You might be thinking quills and expensive visits to the vet, but not at the Danbury Winter Market, where on Saturday, April 4, and every first Saturday of the month from November through May, this “healthy porcupine” is a soap and body balm business. Created in Danbury in 2013 by Darlene Forshee and Jennifer Berman, the duo started with three varieties of body balm and now have added laundry powder and offer 17 varieties of soap. Their products are all handmade with grass-fed tallow sourced directly from New Hampshire farms. They use only essential oils and never use artificial fragrance oils, dyes, or palm oil in their products. The April market falls on the day before Easter, so plan to fill your baskets and find your holiday dinner fixings at the market, held 9 AM to 1 PM at the Blazing Star Grange Hall, 15 North Road, in Danbury. For more information, call Donna at 768-5579.