East Andover Village Preschool, April 2015

Scholarship fund receives a generous boost

By Elizabeth Janvrin, EAVP director

At East Andover Village Preschool, our philosophy considers each child unique and special. As a child-centered program, we strive to allow children to act and think as children do. Our program focuses on each child’s individuality while assisting them to grow in all areas of their development. Activities and routines are designed to give the children opportunities to work with others with the structure of a Preschool setting. We are fortunate at EAVP to be able to offer assistance to families through our Marie Rising Scholarship Fund. Recently, we received a very generous donation towards this Scholarship Fund. Thank you to Don and Marilyn Gould! With your generosity we can help more families be able to enjoy our preschool!

We have continued our conversations about healthy eating and nutrition, along with introducing the children to the phrase “Eat Your Sunshine.” As we explore items that we have eaten for snack or breakfast, we have broken them down into smaller components to show them that the sun helped the fruit or vegetables grow or the grass grow to feed the animals. Cooking is one of our favorite activities each week; the group has made butternut squash pancakes, butternut squash fries and an African dish with butternut squash and peanut sauce. With all of our discussions, we have booked a field trip to the downtown Concord area on March 19 to the Concord Co-op and Live Juice. At both locations, we will see a business in operation along with putting together one of their healthy recipes. EAVP is fortunate that they are so willing to let us visit!

Our focus on grasslands has continued, especially with all of us wanting to be lions and creating lion dens. We have been introduced to facts about lions, such as they move in prides and pounce on butterflies to practice hunting. Once a fact was learned, the group brought it into their play to which we had many pouncing lions or lions using their nose to find food. Lions have not been the only exciting animal to role play, elephants have also been quite popular. We worked with “trunks” as we painted group pictures and flapped our ears to keep away the bugs. Conversations have also been had about those who live in this region of Africa from a variety of books brought into the classroom. Some of us have attempted to carry baskets on our heads as we “gather” food and others have noticed the various patterns and designs on their clothes.

The end of March brings our Annual Hop-a-thon. Children are given the opportunity to raise money for our preschool curriculum as they receive flat rates or per hop donations. With The Bunny Hop song and a minute of time, each child will be counted in how many hops they can do. After the event, we will have some carrot-type snacks.

Join us for a night out on April 23.  The East Andover Village Preschool is hosting a paint night at the MUSE Paint bar in Manchester. Tickets are $45 and the event begins at 6:30 PM. For more information, please see our Facebook page, call the school, or check out the MUSE Web site. We hope to see you there!

Are you looking for a Summer Camp or Preschool? We are registering for both programs, please call the school at 735-5105 or e-mail us at eavp@nulltds.net for more information!