The fourth in a continuing series of Andover Community Coffeehouse performances will feature singer-songwriter Tom Pirozzoli as the headliner beginning at 7 PM on Friday, April 17, in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover.
The program will also offer an open-microphone opportunity for other local talent. Performers wishing to appear during this segment should sign in at the Grange Hall between 6 and 7 PM. Times will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis.
The event is open to the public at no charge, although donations will be accepted. Sponsor for the evening is Horizons Engineering in New London. (Sponsors and donors help the Coffeehouse Committee defray costs associated with each performance.)
Soup, sandwiches, and (non-alcoholic) beverages will be available for purchase beginning at 6 PM, thanks to members of the Andover Congregational Church.

New London-based Pirozzoli is well-regarded throughout New England and on the national music scene. Travels – his fifth recording – spent 13 weeks on the Top 40 AAA charts and was the featured release at Tower Records in Los Angeles and Nashville. He also writes music for and performs with the Putnam-Pirozzoli instrumental guitar duo, which is rooted in a broad tradition that combines jazz, classical, and pop for an original sound.
In addition to his musical talents, Pirozzoli is an accomplished artist, whose oil paintings may be seen regularly at area galleries and exhibitions.
Coffeehouse performances are offered on the third Friday of each month, with some exceptions. For up-to-date information about dates and scheduled performers, go to AndoverCoffeeHouse.org or the Facebook page “Andover Community Coffeehouse.”
The Web site also showcases photographs of past performers, both headliners and open-mic participants. In February, for example, these included Brooks Bicknell, Serena Chua, Charles Collins, Roland “Joe” Dupuis, Doug Farrell and Jack Carlton, Jim James, Kathy Lowe (featured performer), the Living Stones, Doug Phelps, Sferes and White, and Marge Whedon.
In March, participants included the Click Horning Band, featured performers; Margo Coolidge, Cindy Benson, and Vicky Mishcon; “Dr. Jack” Polidoro; Dave Coulter, Linda Ray; Don Bartenstein; Janet Moore; Alan Rogers and Liz Kantz; Chris O”Connor; and Percy Hill and Stymie Garretson. Vicky Mishcon also served as master of ceremonies.