Present: Chairman Coolidge, Selectman Danforth, and Selectwoman Viandier; Road Agent John Thompson; Jim Delaney, Pat Frost, Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.
Pat Frost spoke on behalf of the Andover Snowmobile Club, and they are looking to purchase land with easy access to the Rail Trail. The club has two large groomers, and they would like to build a building to store them and other equipment.
Pat was looking at land near White Oak Road that the Town owns. The building would be heated and have electricity. The club would like to use it for meetings, storage, and have a snack shack.
Chairman Coolidge said they could do a two-year lease, then at the end of the lease they would need to bring it to Town Meeting to vote on a 99-year lease agreement. Chairman Coolidge said he thinks it is too late to get everything in place for this year’s Town Meeting, but if they start working out the details now, everything should be in place for next year’s Town Meeting in 2016.
Highway Department
Road Agent John Thompson reported that every road is being sanded due to the icy conditions.
Mountain Brook Bridge, which is accessed by Kearsarge Mountain Road, has been put on the states Red List. The bridge capacity has been reduced to six tons.
Selectman Danforth mentioned that a letter needs to go out to all residents on the road regarding the down-posting. John Thompson said he would be posting the bridge. John mentioned that replacing the deck might be a day’s worth of work and solve the limit restriction.
Town Administrator
Marj Roy said that Loren Martin from Avitar will be handling all of Andover’s assessing. This will eliminate any questions regarding a conflict of interest with Mark Stetson.
Selectwoman Sophie Viandier moved to accept the Selectmen’s Operational Guideline Handbook. Selectman Coolidge seconded the motion, and the vote to accept was unanimous.
Transfer Station electronics need to be placed in the Recycling Building, not the metal pile.
The Town Office heating system was out on Saturday, and the relay coil had to be replaced to get the system up and running again.
All financial reports need to be submitted to Marj.