Andover Congregational Church, April 2015

Fundraisers, a supper, upgraded electronics, and more

By Sandy Miller, Andover Congregational Church

Holy Week was a wonderful witness of the Lord Jesus’ love for all of us, shown by his suffering on the cross on our behalf and his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. Approximately 40 people attended the Easter Sunrise Service (yes, we did see the sun) and shared a delicious breakfast following the service.

We recently  installed a new projector and screen in the Church. It certainly improves the readability and flexibility of our visual media. All of us were amazed at the difference it makes. That, along with the repair of the broken speaker wire, makes for a better resource in presenting the Word of God to our congregation and visitors and will make for improved experiences during our outreach programs.

Also recently purchased were a voice recorder and an HDMI extension cord. The next goal of the Technology Committee is to upgrade the sound system’s mixer board with a digital mixer. Special thanks to Donna and Bruce Thompson who have worked tirelessly on fundraising to make this happen.

Yard sales, craft sales, and bake sales will be taking place at the Grange Hall on the last Saturday of each month beginning in April. Mark your calendar for the following events coming up in May:

Saturday, May 2: At the Grange Hall, our annual Flower and Bake Sale from 9 to noon. Ginny Newton is in charge of this event, with lots of beautiful flowers and delicious home-baked goods made by local cooks. Also on May 2: A moving sale at Howard and Pat Proctor’s home on Channel Road. Donna from our Technology Committee is assisting. Make plans to attend both of these sales.

Saturday, May 16: We will be having a Roast Pork Community Supper at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Professional chef Andy Visser, from the church, will be in charge. Admission will be via numbered tickets for two seatings: one at 5 PM and one at 6 PM. Because this is also Armed Forces Day, one-half of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior’s Project, with the remainder benefiting restoration of the Grange Hall. Cost is $10 for adults, $7 for active military and children seven to 18 years of age, and under 7 is free. Hope to see you there.

We continue to collect and distribute non-perishable food for both Andover and Twin Rivers Food Pantry. Thanks to all who donate.

We welcome your attendance at our Church services or Sunday School Program. Call the Church office if you have any questions at 735-5160.