It was a sunny and breezy day on Wednesday, April 8, when the Andover Service Club (ASC) ladies met at the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. The conversation was lively, even though attendance was down due to the number of members away on vacation in warmer climates.
The usual monthly reports were read and accepted, including a short discussion on the new 2015-2016 budget, new fundraising ideas, an update on the progress of the Merit Scholarship applications received so far, and information on the upcoming June luncheon.
Now that the warm weather of spring has arrived, the Flower Committee will again be planting the beautiful flowers seen at Town Hall and in the Thrift Shop flower boxes.
Two vacuums were donated to the Thrift Shop after the old one had unrepairable motor problems. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bowne for one of the vacuums. Mr. John Hodgson, who saw the Wish List ad in the Beacon’s Andover Yankee Trader column, also donated a vacuum, so there is one on each floor of the shop. Now the ladies who work there will not have to carry the heavy vacuum up and down the stairs.
At the close of the business meeting, refreshments provided by the Club Hostesses were enjoyed by all. The program for the day was the annual in-house auction which raised $300; thanks to all who donated their treasures and to those who bid on them.
On Wednesday, May 13, we will meet again at 10 AM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. After the usual reports and refreshments, members will take a field trip on “The Mystery House Tour.” Guests and potential new members are invited to attend. For more information, please e-mail ASC president Mary Ofenloch at MaryO.ASClub@nulllive.com.