The Andover-based singer-songwriter duo of Jimmy Sferes and Jennifer White will headline the program of performers at the May edition of the Andover Community Coffeehouse, which begins at 7 PM on Friday, May 15, in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover.
In an increasingly popular program segment, the event will also offer an open-microphone opportunity for local talent of all kinds. Performers wishing to appear during this segment should sign in at the Grange Hall between 6 and 7 PM.
The event is open to the public at no charge, although donations will be accepted. The sponsor for the evening is Belletetes Building Products Specialists of Andover. (Sponsors and donors help the Coffeehouse Committee defray costs associated with each performance.)
Soup, sandwiches, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase beginning at 6 PM, thanks to members of the Andover Congregational Church, which benefits from the sales.
Sferes and White are described as having “discovered an uncommon synergy, blending clear and luscious harmonies with complex and imaginative guitar playing.” Their performances feature an eclectic and soulful combination of blues, roots, and rock. Their song Small Stuff won an Honor Award in the Great American Song Contest, and they have appeared on Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion radio program. Visit SferesAndWhite.com for more information.
Coffeehouse performances are offered on the third Friday of each month, with some exceptions. For up-to-date information about dates and scheduled performers, go to AndoverCoffeeHouse.org or the Facebook page “Andover Community Coffeehouse.”
Coffeehouse events since January have drawn standing-room-only attendance and close to a dozen open-mic candidates each month. A photographic record of the performers is shown on the Web site, both headliners and open-mic participants. In April, for example, these included featured performer Tom Pirozzoli and open-mic entertainers Paul Huber, Dr. Jack Polidoro, Linda, Paul, and Alice, Jim James, Doc Rogers and Liz Kante, Doug Phelps and Andy Phyper, The Living Stones, Carl Ahern, and Carl Beverly.
Coming up on Friday, June 19, is the trio of Southern New Hampshire singer-songwriters Doug Farrell, Steve Dionne, and Jack Carlton, known collectively as Decatur Creek. Visit ReverbNation.com/DecaturCreek for more information.