Members present: Chair: Paul Currier; Vice Chair: Jon Warzocha; Nancy Teach; Art Urie; Pat Moyer; Duncan Coolidge, ex officio
Also present for duration of appropriate items: Herb Barton; Will Ames; John Ferris; Bill Stack; Jerry Hersey; Jim Hersey; and Andy Degan of Ausbon Sargent
Elwin Barton: Non-binding consultation for proposed gravel removal
Mr. Barton explained that his proposal is to level and sell any excess gravel at his property on Potter Road. The board advised Mr. Barton that he would need a permit if selling the gravel.
The excavation regulations were reviewed with Mr. Barton. Warzocha advised that it was his understanding that if he is to disturb more than one acre, he would need a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Warzocha also advised that it was his understanding that if there is more than 100,000 square feet, he would need an Alteration of Terrain permit from NHDES. Mr. Barton indicated he will think more about this proposal.
Sam Hill Road Subdivision: Jerry Hersey, with Jerry Degan of ASLPT
Degan advised that the easement provided for a two-acre reserve lot to be taken out and offered his perspective. If there was more road frontage taken from the road, the log landing would need to be relocated, and there is not enough room due to the presence of wetlands. An average 100-foot buffer is required from the brook.
He has a concern for creating an easement on the subdivided lot. The owner does not care for logging and feels the log landing would be better off left with the parcel with the conservation easement. He stated that the easement provides for no impact to the forestry or water quality of the brook.
The proposed lot is the only buildable area on the property. Currier stated Hersey would need to apply to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance to the road frontage requirement. Warzocha was concerned it would not meet the variance criteria; that the well radius should be all within the new lot, and the configuration poses some challenges.
Jim Hersey stated that the frontage controls the density and no one else could create a new lot. Urie stated that creating a lot should follow regulations of subdivision.
Currier advised that Mr. Hersey needs to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance and the Planning Board would be willing to testify to the Zoning Board. A waiver of the 4:1 depth-to-width ratio in subdivision regulations is also needed.
The Planning Board will consider this and act on it when the Zoning Board of Adjustment action is complete and the subdivision application is before the Planning Board.
Proctor Academy: Non-binding consultation –completeness determination; Site Plan Review for new dining hall
Mr. Stack presented the plans for the proposed new dining facility. The building will be located in front of the field house; will be two-story; and will maintain the New England look and feel. Applications have been submitted to DES AOT Section; a Permit By Notice to replace the pipe and headwall for the culvert; and a driveway permit for the drive entrance.
This property is not in the 100-year floodplain. The plan meets all setback requirements.
Several test pits have been done on-site already. The project will relocate the existing roadway up to the field house, and the current drive will be converted to a walkway. It will enlarge the Carriage House driveway and eliminate the driveways for Farr Cottage and 246 Main Street. A new waterline to the building will be installed, and one fire hydrant will be removed and another added in a new location.
The front of the current dining hall will be repurposed; however, neither the number of students nor faculty will be increased. The intent is for a net-zero building with a solar array and geothermal heating and cooling. The septic tank and leach field for Farr Cottage will be replaced. The lighting will be LED full cut-off and will not increase the light lumens more than allowed.
The Board asked if there are plans to merge the lot for 246 Main Street to the full campus, as it would be easier to do at this time. The Board is requesting a plan of boundaries; input from the fire chief for fire truck access; input from the Andover Village District regarding work on the water lines and hydrant placement; and what the plans for re-purposing of the existing dining hall are.
The rules for modification need to be reviewed to verify that they don’t need a site plan review for the re-purposed area. The Board will review the application for completeness on April 28, and a public hearing will be scheduled for May 12.
Administrative Assistant
The board reviewed the draft memo to the Selectmen regarding additional Planning Board support for administrative duties. The Board voted unanimously in favor of submitting the memo to the Board of Selectmen.
Emery Road
As the Board is unsure what the property owners would like, the Board voted to request that the Board of Selectmen send a letter to the property owners. This action was to establish Planning Board concurrence to the e-mail and attachments the Planning Board Chair sent to the Board of Selectmen on April 4.
Public Hearing
The board voted unanimously in favor of requesting that the Board of Selectmen vote to allow a public hearing notice for the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments go out with the June tax bills.