Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse Opens for 2015 Season

38-star flag will fly for Flag Day

By Donna Baker-Hartwell, Andover Historical Society
The Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse will fly its 38-star flag when it opens on Sunday, June 14.
The Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse will fly its 38-star flag when it opens on Sunday, June 14.

The Tucker Mountain one-room schoolhouse will be open for visitors on Sunday, June 14, from 1 to 3 PM. This is the first of five monthly Open House events sponsored by the Andover Historical Society. The second Sunday of each month, through October, is the designated open house date. Visits may also be arranged by calling Pat Cutter at 735- 5628 or Donna Baker-Hartwell at 735-5586.

June 14 is Flag Day, and the schoolhouse will proudly fly its 38-star flag donated by Wally Grover of New London. The reason the schoolhouse has a 38-star flag is that in 1887 – the year the famous old photo of the schoolhouse that we re-enacted in 2010 was taken – the US flag had 38 stars on it.

According to the 1893 Town Report, flags were issued to each of Andover’s 19 or so school districts. Unfortunately, the Tucker Mountain School closed in 1893, so it is unlikely that there was a flag in the classroom during its operation. If you visit on Flag Day, you will have the opportunity to learn more trivia about the United States Flag.

The schoolhouse was built in 1837 and served the mountain community for 56 years. Visitors will find it in nearly original condition. Artifacts of the times will be on display. Homemade cookies and herbal tea will be served. Follow the signs from Route 11 in East Andover. The schoolhouse is located two miles up Tucker Mountain Road from the Highland Lake Inn on Maple Street.