Now that spring has finally arrived, the flowers are blooming, the squirrels are running up and down the trees, the birds are nesting and feeding their young chicks, and the mosquitoes and black flies are annoying everyone. This is the time when the Andover Service Club (ASC) Flower Committee is busy planting, weeding, and beautifying the flowerbeds at Town Hall and the flower boxes at the Thrift Shop.
On May 13, the ASC ladies met at the Highland Lake Grange Hall, where the agenda for the month included business reports, refreshments, and a Mystery House Tour. The budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 was discussed, and a vote of approval will be taken on Wednesday, June 10, at the annual spring luncheon to be held at 74 Main in New London. The ladies will also be voting for a new slate of Executive Board officers.
The Scholarship Committee met to review nine qualifying applications for the ASC Merit Scholarship. Four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this month, with the winners to be announced shortly.
Monies for these awards are available because of ASC fundraising events and sales made at the ASC Thrift Shop on School Street in Andover. The Thrift Shop Committee invites everyone to come and browse, and then to purchase an item – or more – for yourself, a family member, or as a gift for someone you know. Clothing for the entire family is top notch, prices are very affordable, and you will be supporting the mission of ASC “to be of service to the community and the state.”
Summer vacations are ahead of us, and the ASC bakers will get a rest from the hot ovens which bake pies, cakes, cookies, breads, and rolls for our bake sales, and birthday cakes for Proctor students. However, we will be baking pies for Slices for Scholarships on the Fourth of July. The ladies invite everyone to stop at the ASC table on the Village Green to purchase a slice, or two, or more, of their very delicious pies. Taste and see why the ladies have been called the “best pie bakers in Andover!”
If you are a woman who would like to serve your community and meet new friends, why not become a member of the ASC? ASC members reside not only in Andover, but also in New London, Wilmot, Danbury, Springfield, Franklin, Hill, and Tilton.
So if you have a friend or relative living in any of these towns who might also be interested in service while making new friends, ask them to consider becoming an ASC member. Simply e-mail me at MaryO.ASClub@nulllive.com for more information. I will be happy to speak with them. ASC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.