The New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family (NHCHF) state spring meeting was held recently at AE/MS. The theme was “The Good Old Days.” A get-acquainted game of “Who Am I ” had members questioning each other to find out what character they represented. There was a picture board of members from their earlier life, and there was much speculation about who was who.
Our speaker was Peter James from the Concord Coach Society. He presented a very interesting program about the history of the Concord Coach, how the coaches were made, and the different coach styles.
There are some very nice restored coaches on display in New Hampshire. The Andover Lions Club has one of a few that are actually in use. We are very fortunate to have it in our Fourth of July parade each year.
Closing the day was our brown bag auction. Proceeds went to a women’s prison program that we support.
NHCHF has an ongoing book project in which we provide new books and CDs to prisoners. They read and record the book on a CD which is then sent to their children. We also provide postage for this service. The program helps keep prisoners connected to their families. This is very important when families cannot easily visit the prison. We have had many wonderful letters from male and female prisoners expressing their appreciation for our support of this program.